Elementarz Kuchni Roślinnej - E-book
  • Elementarz Kuchni Roślinnej - E-book

Elementarz Kuchni Roślinnej - E-book


Kuchnia roślinna oferuje pełnię smakowych doznań. To przyzwyczajenia, których nabiera się w czasie nauki gotowania powodują, że przygotowywanie dań pozbawionych niektórych składników wydaje się trudne. Zebrane w „Roślinnym Elementarzu” porady i wskazówki ułatwiają tworzenie pysznych, roślinnych potraw.


The vegetable cuisine offers a full taste experience. It is the habits that one acquires while learning to cook that make the preparation of dishes devoid of certain ingredients seem difficult. The tips and tricks collected in the "Plant ABC" make it easier to create delicious, plant-based dishes.

Our publication was created for chefs who want to expand their restaurant offer - but it will certainly be useful to every novice of plant-based cooking. The aim behind the creation of "Elementarz" was to organize knowledge about vegetable cuisine. The tips herein are designed with different cooking levels in mind. Instead of recipes with exact proportions, we share useful tips that will help you create your own plant-based dishes with the conviction of a positive result. You can treat everything you learn from "The Primer" as a signpost in your search for the perfect vegetable taste.

Even if you sometimes get lost, it is worth boldly and decisively pursuing your goal - for the environment, the health of our loved ones, animal welfare or finally for business profit - so that you can successfully reach an increasing number of people!


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