"Roślinny Przewodnik Cukierniczy" Chefs For Change
  • "Roślinny Przewodnik Cukierniczy" Chefs For Change
  • "Roślinny Przewodnik Cukierniczy" Chefs For Change

"Roślinny Przewodnik Cukierniczy" Chefs For Change


Z dumą prezentujemy Roślinny Przewodnik Cukierniczy, opracowany przez zespół Chefs for Change.

Czym jest Przewodnik?

Narzędziem, które od podstaw wyjaśnia roślinne cukiernictwo. Znajdziecie w nim porady oraz substytuty różnych “standardowych” składników cukierniczych, triki, przepisy stworzone przez polskich szefów i szefowe kuchni - ambasadorów i ambasadorki naszego projektu Chefs for Change. Część z nich na co dzień gotuje wyłącznie roślinnie, część sukcesywnie poszerza swoje karty o roślinne opcje, ale łączy ich jedno - doświadczenie, pasja, profesjonalizm.


We are proud to present the Plant-based Confectionery Guide, developed by the Chefs for Change team.

What is a Guide?

A tool that explains plant-based confectionery from scratch. In it you will find tips and substitutes for various "standard" confectionery ingredients, tricks, recipes created by Polish chefs - ambassadors and ambassadors of our Chefs for Change project. Some of them cook exclusively with vegetables on a daily basis, some gradually expand their menus with plant-based options, but they have one thing in common - experience, passion, professionalism.

The guide is available in two forms. In our shop you can buy a beautiful, printed version of the guide. This is the effect of your messages, which we received on the occasion of the last publication of the electronic Plant Cuisine Primer.

We listened to your requests for printed versions for collectors, gourmets, traditionalists, lovers of handwritten notes. Thus, we also give a real chance that the enormity of work put in by all people working on the guide could also bring real help to the animals! <3

- you can download the e-book for free in digital form at www.chefsforchange.pl and www.roslinnieujemy.org. Why?

We want the access to this tool to be as easy as possible, and the plant-based confectionery to be as accessible as possible. We know that this topic is still in its infancy in many Polish restaurants, so from the very beginning we wanted the pdf version to be available for free and to spread knowledge as widely as possible.


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